Music Schoolhouse Ranking 2015

The Reid School of Music at the University of Edinburgh was placed 1st inwards the Great Britain for the written report of Music inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015, followed past times Guildhall School of Music in addition to Drama inwards 2d place.

The University of Nottingham’s Department of Music was rated every mo the 4th-best inwards the country. This places Nottingham to a higher house Oxford (9th) in addition to Cambridge (5th) every mo i of the leading places to written report Music inwards the UK.

Brunel University's Music subdivision rose to seventh house inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015 Subject Tables, indicating farther success for the School of Arts.

The University of Surrey is straight off ranked amid the UK's superlative fifteen universities for music in addition to audio recording, amongst an impressive ascent of five places to 13th inwards the Guardian University Guide league tabular array 2015.

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