Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Nanosponges Offering Protection Against Chemic Weapons

Scheme depicting the detoxification of a nervus agent, DDVP, past times a nanosponge, which is a red-blood-cell-coated nanoparticle (RBC-NP). Figure courtesy of Professor Liangfang Zhang as well as the American Chemical Society. 
These tiny particles tin fighting poisonous serpent bites as well as antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Now, researchers exhibit these particles tin likewise supply protection against chemic weapons. Nanosponges developed inwards the lab of NanoEngineering professor Liangfang Zhang at the University of California, San Diego may 1 twenty-four hours offering a make of novel life-saving treatments.

Zhang as well as his query grouping lately reported that their nanosponges increased the survival rates of mice exposed to a widely-used insecticide called DDVP, which is a toxic nervus agent. The nanosponges detoxify DDVP molecules inwards the blood current past times intercepting them earlier they fix on their existent targets: reddish blood cells. Each nanosponge is a nanoparticle coated inwards a reddish blood jail mobile telephone membrane. This coating lures DDVP molecules to the nanosponges as well as inhibits them from causing harm throughout the blood stream. The findings were published inwards the magazine ACS Nano.

Previous studies from Zhang’s query grouping accept demonstrated that nanosponges are likewise effective at removing a diverseness of other harmful toxins from the blood stream, such equally those produced past times MRSA bacteria, E. coli, serpent bites as well as bee stings.

Read to a greater extent than near nanosponges here.


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