Complete Academy Lead 2019

According to the Complete University Guide 2019, Cambridge is ranked No. ane inwards the UK, followed yesteryear Oxford inwards sec place, London School of Economics inwards 3rd place, Imperial College London inwards fourth place, together with St Andrews inwards fifth place.

Loughborough University moved upward to seventh inwards The Great Britain Complete University Guide 2019, remaining the altitude ranked academy inwards the East Midlands. This is the 3rd yr Loughborough has been inwards the altitude 10 of the guide.

The University of Bristol is ranked 15th inwards the Complete University Guide, a rising of ii places this year. In addition, 21 out of Bristol’s 39 subjects are ranked inwards the altitude 10 for their discipline, alongside General Engineering (called Engineering Design at Bristol) ranked 1st inwards the country. According to the survey, Bristol has the highest scores for query intensity, expert honours together with marker completion inwards the South West region, together with too the best student-staff ratio.

Swansea University is ranked 39th inwards the overall 2019 Complete University League Tables. It remains the altitude academy inwards Wales for graduate prospects, ranked 18th inwards the Great Britain alongside 82.2% of its graduates securing graduate flat exercise or pursing farther study. In addition, Swansea features inwards 37 dependent tables alongside over one-half (21) of these subjects improving their rank. Seven subjects are ranked inwards the altitude 10 of their respective dependent tables, alongside a farther vii featured inwards the altitude 20.

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