University Of Nevada Las Vegas Rankings

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is a premier metropolitan interrogation university. All programs at UNLV are accredited yesteryear the Northwest Commission on Colleges in addition to Universities (NWCCU). The international programs are approved yesteryear the Council on International Educational Exchange.

The UNLV College of Business is accredited yesteryear the AACSB, the premier accrediting scheme for colleges of concern worldwide.


- Listed amid Tier two National Universities inward the 2011 edition of Best Colleges (US News 2011).

- Ranked 166th inward "The Washington Monthly National University Rankings" 2010.

- In the 2009 Roger Williams University School of Law study, the Boyd School of Law is ranked sixth inward per capita productivity of articles inward pinnacle journals. In 2008, the Boyd faculty was ranked 9th, which is inside the pinnacle one-third of the 200 U.S. constabulary schools fully accredited yesteryear the American Bar Association.

- Ranked No. nine inward the Law Specialty: Dispute Resolution (USNWR 2009).

- Ranked amid the pinnacle x universities inward the the States for scholarly interrogation on advertising (Journal of Advertising).

- An article inward the Communications of the Association for Information Systems ranks the College of Business MIS Department 13th inward the acre for interrogation productivity. The article is based on the position out of times interrogation appeared inward the iii highest ranked peer-reviewed MIS journals, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, in addition to MIS Quarterly betwixt 2001 in addition to 2005.

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