Us Academy Rankings 2018

U.S. News ranked Princeton University inwards the No. 1 spot inwards its annual rankings of the nation’s best colleges together with universities, followed past times Harvard University. The University of Chicago together with Yale University are tied for No. 3. MIT shares the No. v spot alongside Columbia University together with Stanford University.

Emory University was ranked 21st amid the nation’s superlative universities inwards the 2018 Best Colleges guidebook from USA News & World Report. In addition, the University was cited for its economical diversity, alongside 23 percent of its undergraduates receiving need-based Pell Grants, together with amid schools alongside the largest per centum of international undergraduates at xvi percent.

Pepperdine University continues to climb the USA News rankings every bit i of America’s “Best National Universities.” It was ranked 46th out of 310 national institutions of higher learning, advancing 4 spots higher than its 2017 ranking of release 50.

The University of Cincinnati was ranked No. 133 amid America’s Best National Universities, according to USA News & World Report’s 2018 rankings of superlative tier national universities. That’s upwardly 2 places from concluding year’s 135th ranking. Among superlative populace universities, UC was ranked No. 63.

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