Eddie Tapia: Graduate Route Map Founder

Eddie Tapia is a UC San Diego mathematics- estimator scientific discipline alumnus currently working on dual master’s degrees inward electrical together with estimator applied scientific discipline together with engineering ventures at Carnegie Mellon University. When he was president of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) at UC San Diego, he created the Graduate Road Map (GRM) trial to growth the position out of underrepresented students applying to graduate school. Here’s why:

“I grew upward inward a low-income household, together with thence my destination for the longest fourth dimension was to become operate afterwards my bachelor’s marker together with thence I could assistance supply for my family. As a result, grad schoolhouse was non inward my plans throughout most of my undergraduate career. Yet, through the assistance of roughly amazing friends, staff members, together with faculty, I learned close the benefits of obtaining an advanced marker together with they provided me alongside the insight I needed to arts and crafts a rigid application. 

However, non everyone is lucky plenty to convey the assistance I had together with I noticed that many students, peculiarly underrepresented minorities, were non applying to graduate schoolhouse because they had a lot of misconceptions close the whole process. I was bothered past times this realization together with thence I began to think of ways where I could laissez passer on students the chance to connect alongside faculty, electrical flow graduate students, together with academy representatives to demystify the graduate schoolhouse application process. I created GRM to growth the position out of underrepresented students applying to graduate schoolhouse together with back upward students who mightiness otherwise non apply to graduate school.”

This year, SHPE volition host GRM on Feb 9. If you’re non certain if graduate schoolhouse is a skillful jibe for you, or don’t actually know what the application procedure is like, come upward larn from the experiences of electrical flow graduate students together with professors. Thanks to SHPE, the National Society of Black Engineers together with the Society of Women Engineers at UC San Diego for organizing this event. Details here: https://sites.google.com/ucsd.edu/graduate-road-map-2019/home

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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