World Academy Rankings 2017

Ranking of world's best universities for 2017:

U.S. News Best Global Universities:
Harvard University was ranked No. ane amid the pinnacle 1,000 universities inwards the the world according to the U.S. News & World Report 2017 Best Global Universities Rankings, followed yesteryear Massachusetts Institute of Technology inwards s house worldwide as well as Stanford University inwards tertiary house worldwide.

QS World University Rankings:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) was ranked No. ane globally inwards the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017, followed yesteryear Stanford University inwards s house as well as Harvard University inwards tertiary place. MIT was too ranked the world’s pinnacle academy inwards 12 of 42 disciplines ranked yesteryear QS. The QS rankings were based on question quality, graduate employment, didactics quality, as well as an assessment of the global sort of faculty as well as students from 916 institutions worldwide.

Times Higher Education:
The University of Oxford (UK) was ranked No. ane globally inwards the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2016–2017, ahead of California Institute of Technology (2nd globally) as well as Stanford University (3rd globally). The Times Higher Education World University Rankings listing the 980 pinnacle universities inwards the world. The calculation of the rankings for 2016-2017 was audited yesteryear PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Top ten Universities inwards the World yesteryear U.S. News (2017):
ane Harvard University two Massachusetts Institute of Technology three Stanford University four University of California, Berkeley v California Institute of Technology half dozen University of Oxford seven University of Cambridge eight Princeton University ix Columbia University ten University of California--Los Angeles

* Related Articles:

QS Rankings 2016-2017

US News Best Global Universities 2017

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