University Of Cumbria Rankings

The University of Cumbria (UK) is a growing, multi-campus academy habitation to over 10,000 students. It was formed inwards 2007 past times the merger of St Martin’s College, Cumbria Institute of the Arts as well as University of Central Lancashire’s Cumbria sites.


- Ranked No. ane inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland for 'student satisfaction' for Fine Art courses (Guardian League Tables 2017).

- The Guardian University League Tables 2012 listed the National School of Forestry, based at University of Cumbria’s Newton Rigg campus, equally the highest-ranking provider of forestry courses inwards the UK. Other courses at the academy were likewise climbing upward the league tables, amongst media as well as communication courses entering the superlative ten providers inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland as well as English, climbing to 17th house nationally.

- The University of Cumbria’s results inwards the Research Excellence Framework 2014 present both a considerable increase inwards ‘world-leading’ as well as ‘internationally excellent’ research. 94% of the Allied Health Professions submission was deemed to live on of internationally recognised character or higher; as well as 69% of the Environmental Sciences submission was deemed to live on of internationally recognised character or higher.

- Business achieved a rigid ranking inwards the Times Higher Education at 79th out of 101 entries, as well as 85% of the submission at internationally recognised character or higher.

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