Biological Sciences Ranking 2016

According to the Complete University Guide 2016, Cambridge was ranked 1st inwards the UK of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland for Biological Sciences, followed past times Oxford inwards s house as well as Imperial College London inwards third place.

Biosciences at the University of York has maintained its lay of fourth inwards the UK of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland for Biological Sciences., as well as is ane of the pinnacle departments inwards educatee satisfaction (4.38 out of 5.0) inwards the Complete University Guide 2016. Only Cambridge, Oxford as well as Imperial College ranked higher overall than York inwards Biological Sciences. However, York Biociences scored higher than Cambridge (4.24), Oxford (4.23) as well as Imperial (3.71) inwards damage of educatee satisfaction.

Lancaster University was ranked inwards the pinnacle xx (at 16th) for Biological Sciences inwards the Complete University Guide 2016 as well as ninth inwards the UK of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland for Biosciences inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015.

The Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds is ane of the leading life sciences faculties inwards the UK. It was ranked 27th inwards the UK of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland (up from 28th) past times the Complete University Guide 2016. It likewise achieved a Top 100 ranking for Biological Sciences (QS dependent champaign ranking, 2015).

* Next: Chemistry Ranking 2016

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