Bioengineering Undergraduate Wins Infinite Scholarship

Kristine Khieu mightiness live on studying the spine, but she has her sights onslaught space.

The 4th yr bioengineering undergraduate at UC San Diego was i of half dozen students nationwide selected to have a prestigious Universities Space Research Association (USRA) scholarship for her enquiry on the effects of a zero-gravity surroundings on spinal muscles. Khieu was too commended for her science, technology, engineering, fine art in addition to math (STEAM) outreach efforts.

USRA awards scholarships to undergraduate students who tackle challenging scientific questions inward the areas of infinite enquiry in addition to exploration, especially astrophysics in addition to astronomy, in addition to practise technologies in addition to solutions that positively demeanour upon people’s lives.

“My original enquiry involvement is inward astronaut physiology—how our bodies modify inward space,” said Khieu, who plant inward Alan Hargens’ Clinical Physiology Lab at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. “I genuinely traveled to the Johnson Space Center inward Houston, Texas in addition to got to aid exam simply about astronaut subjects.”

Khieu plans to apply to medical school, but said having an engineering scientific discipline background volition seek out useful inward the medical plain in addition to beyond.

 “I dearest my instruction through bioengineering— especially through the lens of medicine— because I recall nigh doctors don’t accept that form of engineering scientific discipline perspective in addition to it’s such an wages to accept a unlike agency of thinking to approach medicine,” she said. “I accept a dream of becoming a flying surgeon—basically the MD for astronauts—because they network engineering scientific discipline in addition to medicine. They non alone written report the human torso inward infinite or inward extreme environments, but they too written report the engineering scientific discipline behind devices that hold these people alive.”

Outside of classwork in addition to lab work, Khieu finds fourth dimension to serve equally president of the Tritons for Sally Ride Science gild at UC San Diego, focused on STEAM outreach to engage the adjacent generation of innovators.

“Sally Ride was the begin woman individual American astronaut, taught physics at UC San Diego in addition to is someone I looked upward to fifty-fifty earlier coming here,” Khieu said. “This foundation was started past times her. She was such a operate model for immature girls piece she was alive, in addition to fifty-fifty to this day. My piece of job is to aid hold that legacy.”

Khieu was awarded the Frederick Tarantino Memorial Scholarship Award, a $4,000 scholarship inward retentivity of Tarantino, a old USRA president in addition to CEO. 


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