Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Computer Engineer Recognized For His Operate Inwards Computational Biology

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 professor of electrical together with calculator applied scientific discipline at the University of California, San Diego, has received an honorable advert inwards the 2015 Doctoral Dissertation Award contest presented past times the Association for Computing together with Machinery.

Siavash Mirarab joined the Department of Electrical together with Computer Engineering at UC San Diego inwards 2015 afterwards earning a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. His dissertation, “Novel Scalable Approaches for Multiple Sequence Alignment together with Phylogenomic Reconstruction,” addresses the growing involve to analyze large-scale biological sequence information efficiently together with accurately.

To address this challenge, Mirarab introduces several methods: PASTA, a scalable together with accurate algorithm that tin sack align information sets upwards to 1 one 1000 1000 sequences; statistical binning, a novel technique for reducing noise inwards estimation of evolutionary trees for private parts of the genome; together with ASTRAL, a novel summary method that tin sack run on 1,000 species inwards 1 twenty-four sixty minutes catamenia together with has outstanding accuracy. These methods were essential inwards analyzing real large genomic datasets of birds together with plants.
Mirarab’s question interests focus on accurate together with scalable analysis of large-scale biological datasets. 

His run peculiarly focuses on evolutionary biological scientific discipline together with computational methods that role genomic information to reconstruct the evolutionary past. He is interested inwards algorithmic developments that enable us to analyze real large datasets amongst high accuracy together with amongst reasonable computational demands. These algorithms notice application inwards diverse areas of computational biology, including multiple sequence alignment, metagenomics, together with phylogenetic reconstruction from whole genomes.

Before receiving a Ph.D. at UT Austin, he earned a master’s score inwards Electrical together with Computer Engineering from University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, inwards 2008. He received his bacherlor’s score inwards Electrical together with Computer Engineering from the Tehran University, Iran, inwards 2000. In betwixt his studies, he has worked for diverse companies, including IBM together with Cisco.  His Ph.D. question has been supported past times a Howard Hughes Medical Institute international graduate pupil companionship together with past times Canadian NSERG PGSD awards.


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