Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Civil/Structural Engineer To Introduce Poster On Seismic Protection At Inquiry Expo 2016

Born too raised inward Italy, UC San Diego structural applied scientific discipline graduate educatee Elide Pantoli knew she wanted to assist people, merely too knew didn’t desire to last a doctor.

“I don’t similar blood, then I knew I wouldn’t larn into the medical field,” said Pantoli. “In Italy, there’s an association of doctors that was looking for civil engineers. That’s where I got the stance to report civil engineering.”

Pantoli chose to report civil applied scientific discipline at the University of Bologna – the oldest academy inward the world. She knew she wanted to report abroad, too the academy offered an telephone commutation computer program amongst the University of California schoolhouse system.

“I applied to report at UC San Diego, too came inward 2007-2008,” said Pantoli. “After that, I wanted to remain abroad, then I applied to create interrogation for a twelvemonth at Columbia University.”

From there, Pantoli returned to get-go her Ph.D. at UC San Diego inward 2010.  She started working on the Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table (LHPOST) at UC San Diego – the largest outdoor milk shiver tabular array inward the public – which provides the earthquake applied scientific discipline community amongst a facility that allows the accurate reproduction of severe earthquake basis motions for the seismic testing of really large structures.

Pantoli tested a full-scale five-story edifice fully outfitted amongst nonstructural components. Her dissertation focuses on i of these – the precast concrete façade. This is what she volition introduce at Research Expo 2016 (see abstract below).

“There convey already been code changes due to this work,” said Pantoli. “All of my papers were published inward partnership amongst industry. They say, here’s a problem, too nosotros elbow grease to assist them solving it.”

Pantoli is interested inward both manufacture too academia – merely her dream is to modify applied scientific discipline education.

“I’ve seen students inward their 3rd twelvemonth that are then frustrated because they nevertheless don’t know what they are doing,” said Pantoli.

She is passionate almost helping students principal a subject.

Register today for Research Expo 2016 to take away heed to a greater extent than from Pantoli too 200+ applied scientific discipline graduate students for the Jacobs School of Engineering.

Research Expo also features TED-style talks by faculty highlighting interrogation from our agile interrogation centers too a networking reception amongst faculty, students, manufacture partners too alumni.


DepartmentStructural Engineering
Faculty Advisor(s)Tara C. Hutchinson

Primary Student
Name: Elide Pantoli

Architectural precast concrete (APC) cladding is a nonstructural organisation sensitive to both seismic flooring accelerations too story drifts. APC panels must last designed to resist forces inward the out-of-plane administration of motion, piece they must conform in-plane story drifts. This requirement presents specific challenges to engineers, namely the blueprint too detailing of connections intended to permit in-plane drifts (termed ?tiebacks?) too corners of the system. Presently, these of import issues are addressed rather broadly inward blueprint codes, leaving the details to the discretion too sense of the designer. With the destination of providing practical guidance to designers, organisation too element tests on illustration APC cladding too tieback connections were performed. This poster summarizes fundamental results obtained from these experiments too applies these findings to prepare guidelines for drift-compatible blueprint of tieback connections too corner systems.

Industry Application Area(s)
Civil/Structural Engineering

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