Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Heryang Lee

Happy New Year! Thinking of switching majors or studying abroad equally an engineering major? Check out this profile - business office of our #ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign.

Name: Heryang Lee
Major: Structural Engineering
Graduation Date: June 2016

Why did yous direct engineering at UC San Diego?
I was a Political Science major to get down with. I switched to an engineering major at the goal of Fall quarter my freshmen twelvemonth because I realized I was non alone expert at math in addition to science, but I genuinely liked materials related to engineering. I cruel inwards dearest alongside the Structural Engineering region building, rediscovered my involvement inwards architecture in addition to met about of the coolest engineers I know inwards my get-go engineering class.

What are your career goals?
To move a business office of edifice something that benefits a community in addition to its people, in addition to to prepare equally an ethical, respectful in addition to worldly engineer.

Do yous convey a favorite quote or mantra?
“Follow the path of to the lowest degree resistance.”

What are 3 things that are unique virtually you?
1. I’m fluent inwards 3 languages.
2. I know how to ride a unicycle.
3. I studied abroad inwards Singapore for a semester (So yes, for engineers out at that spot it IS possible to written report abroad!)

What does this get hateful to you?
This campaign, to me, way individualizing the large in addition to ofttimes generalized engineering community at UC San Diego. We are beyond simply strictly “studious” individuals -- nosotros convey our ain struggles, aspirations in addition to experiences that brand us who nosotros are in addition to drive us to pursue engineering.


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