Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: James Natanauan

We are continuing our seek to highlight undergraduate students at the Jacobs School of Engineering amongst James Natanauan. James is a reckoner technology scientific discipline student and president of the Triton Engineering Student Council (TESC) for the minute yr inwards a row. Meet James, a senior with a passion for computers likewise for making his ain music.

Name: James Natanauan
Major: Computer Engineering
Estimated graduation date: June 2016

Why did you lot select technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I convey ever loved computers. I told myself I would larn how to brand them work.

What are your career goals?
I desire to acquire into manufacture first, in addition to based on the internships I’ve had, I truly similar the management expression of the field. I would similar to pursue in addition to advanced degree, maybe an MBA or a masters inwards reckoner scientific discipline or reckoner engineering.

Do you lot convey a favorite quote or mantra?
“Carpe diem.” You’ve got 1 life, in addition to thus you lot should brand the most of it.

What are 3 things close you lot that brand you lot an individual?
1. I moved hither from Hong Kong when I was 10, but I was born inwards the Philippines.

2. I’m truly into playing music, but I’m simply getting into making music. I don’t convey whatever equipment for electronic music, but it’s all acoustic materials correct now. I’ve been playing guitar on in addition to off since I was twelve.

3. Last summer, I bought a bunch of random instruments, such every bit an Irish Gaelic penny whistle, a harmonica. I tin truly play the guitar in addition to harmonica at the same time.

Musical inspiration?
The Beatles.

What does the #ILookLikeAnEngineer motility hateful to you?
It’s truly of import because nosotros generalize things in addition to thus easily, in addition to oft subconsciously. I recall this 1 time, I was at a tabular array eating a taco, in addition to this guy came upwards to me to talk. I was tranquility because I was chewing my food, when he said, “You’re in addition to thus quiet. You’re such an engineer.” That’s nevertheless a negative stereotype close engineers - that we’re anti-social, in addition to nosotros don’t exit much. This motility is of import because nosotros necessitate to process everyone every bit an individual.

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