Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Emily Goble

The adjacent featured pupil inwards our effort is a miss who is highly involved at UC San Diego. With her sorority Alpha Omicron Pi, internship, classes as well as positions every bit Engineering Senator on A.S. Council likewise every bit VP External of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), she proves how engineers are non stereotypical anti-social hermits who cannot halt studying.

This is Emily, a junior bioengineering major at the UC San Diego Jacobs School.

Name: Emily Goble
Major: Bioengineering: Bioengineering
Estimated graduation date: June 2017

Why did yous lead engineering scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I chose UC San Diego for a diversity of reasons: first, a nationally-ranked engineering scientific discipline program, a beautiful campus inwards a urban center I've ever wanted to alive in, as well as a large, various surround amount of opportunities as well as challenges that I believe convey already made me grow every bit a person.

What are your career goals?
For the longest time, I was determined to drib dead a doctor. While my interests convey shifted from medical schoolhouse to mastering the fine art of engineering scientific discipline as well as design, I all the same desire to pursue a career inwards improving global wellness as well as the medical industry. I am currently interning for a global biotechnology fellowship as well as convey flora dandy joy inwards my function there. It is mentally stimulating, likewise every bit personally meaningful as well as fulfilling.

Do yous convey a favorite quote or mantra?
One of my favorite sayings is "bloom where yous are planted." I believe that positivity, commitment to constant personal improvement, as well as perseverance are the most crucial mindsets a individual tin strength out have.

What are 3 things nearly yous that brand yous an individual?
I'm pretty ordinary, but I convey only about unique interests. I dear hiking, skateboarding as well as making circuit boards. Also, physics is my favorite plain of report as well as I actually bask Taco Tuesday.

What does this effort hateful to you?
This effort underscores the importance of creating a tolerant, respectful as well as informed society. No i should ever live on made to experience similar they can't live on successful inwards a career path because of their gender, race, appearance, sexual orientation or whatever other purpose of themselves. Reinforcing stereotypes as well as stigmas discourages, oppresses, as well as limits people as well as their abilities. This effort draws attending to this fact as well as volition hopefully cut the exercise of diminishing linguistic communication as well as actions inwards our society, peculiarly inwards schools as well as workplaces.


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