Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings: Multiple Alternative Questions Alongside Answers - Fluid Dynamics

1) Shear stress inward static fluid is
a. e'er zero
b. e'er maximum
c. betwixt nil to maximum
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: e'er zero
2) Which branch of fluid mechanics deals amongst translation, rotation in addition to deformation of
the fluid chemical constituent without considering the forcefulness in addition to liberate energy causing such displace is called as
a. fluid dynamics
b. fluid kinematics
c. fluid kinetics
d. hydraulics
ANSWER: fluid kinematics
3) Inter molecular cohesive forcefulness inward the fluids is
a. less than that of the solids
b. to a greater extent than than that of the solids
c. equal to that of the solids
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: less than that of the solids
4) The specific weight of the fluid depends upon
a. gravitational acceleration
b. volume density of the fluid
c. both a. in addition to b.
d. none of the above
ANSWER: both a. in addition to b.
5) Which belongings of the fluid offers resistance to deformation nether the activity of shear
a. density
b. viscosity
c. permeability
d. specific gravity
ANSWER: viscosity
6) In which method of describing fluid motion, the observer remains stationary and
observes changes inward the fluid parameters at a item betoken only?
a. Lagrangian method
b. Eulerian method
c. Stationary method
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Eulerian method
7) The charge per unit of measurement of growth of velocity amongst honour to alter inward the seat of fluid particle in
a stream plain is called as
a. local acceleration
b. temporal acceleration
c. convective acceleration
d. all of the above
ANSWER: convective acceleration
8) The actual path followed past times a fluid particle every bit it moves during a menstruum of time, is called
a. path line
b. streak line
c. filament line
d. current line
ANSWER: path line
9) The imaginary business drawn inward the fluid inward such a fashion that the tangent to whatever betoken gives
the direction of displace at the point, is called as
a. path line
b. streak line
c. filament line
d. current line
ANSWER: current line
10) Which type of fluid stream is shown inward below diagram?

 Which branch of fluid mechanics deals amongst translation Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings: Multiple Choice Questions amongst answers - Fluid Dynamics
a. Circular flow
b. Rotational flow
c. Irrotational flow
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Irrotational flow
11) The report of forcefulness which produces displace inward a fluid is called as
a. fluid statics
b. fluid dynamics
c. fluid kinematics
d. none of the above
ANSWER: fluid dynamics
12) Which of the next forces by in addition to large deed on fluid spell considering fluid dynamics?
1. Viscous force
2. Pressure force
3. Gravity force
4. Turbulent force
5. Compressibility force
a. (1), (3), (4) in addition to (5)
b. (1), (2), (3) in addition to (5)
c. (1), (2), (3) in addition to (4)
d. (1), (2), (3), (4) in addition to (5)
ANSWER: (1), (2), (3), (4) in addition to (5)
13) The internet forcefulness of an ideal stream is equal to the nub of nonzero values of
a. pressure level forcefulness in addition to gravity force
b. gummy forcefulness in addition to gravity force
c. pressure level forcefulness in addition to gummy force
d. pressure level force, gummy forcefulness in addition to compressibility force
ANSWER: pressure level forcefulness in addition to gravity force
14) When the internet forcefulness acting on a fluid is the nub of exclusively gravity force, pressure level force
and gummy force, the equation is called as
a. Reynold's equation of motion
b. Navier-stockes equation of motion
c. Euler's equation of motion
d. none of the above
ANSWER: Navier-stockes equation of motion
15) In a steady, ideal stream of an incompressible fluid, full liberate energy at whatever betoken of the fluid
is e'er constant. This theorem is known as
a. Euler's theorem
b. Navier-stockes theorem
c. Reynold's theorem
d. Bernoulli's theorem
ANSWER: Bernoulli's theorem
16) The stream of fluid volition hold upwards laminar when,
a. Reynold's seat out is less than 2000
b. the density of the fluid is low
c. both a. in addition to b.
d. none of the above
ANSWER: both a. in addition to b.
17) How should hold upwards the viscosity of the flowing fluid for laminar flow?
a. viscosity of the fluid should hold upwards every bit depression every bit possible, for laminar flow
b. viscosity of the fluid should hold upwards every bit high every bit possible, for laminar flow
c. alter inward viscosity of the flowing fluid does non demeanour upon its flow
d. unpredictable
ANSWER: viscosity of the fluid should hold upwards every bit high every bit possible, for laminar flow
18) Below diagram shows the velocity distribution of fluid stream through a pipe. Flow is
What is the ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity?
 Which branch of fluid mechanics deals amongst translation Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings: Multiple Choice Questions amongst answers - Fluid Dynamics
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 3.14
19) Coefficient of friction for laminar stream is given as
Re = Reynold's number
a. (Re / 32)
b. (32 / Re)
c. (Re / 16)
d. (16 / Re)
ANSWER: (16 / Re)
20) What is the ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity, when the fluid is passing
through 2 parallel plates in addition to stream is laminar?
a. 3/2
b. 2/3
c. 4/3
d. 3/4
21) The caput loss through fluid flowing pipage due to friction is
a. the tiddler loss
b. the major loss
c. both a. in addition to b.
d. none of the above
ANSWER: the major loss
22) What is Darcy-Weisbach formula for estrus loss due to friction?
f = Darcy's coefficient of friction
a. hf = (f l V2) / (g d)
b. hf = (f l V2) / (2 g d)
c. hf = (4 f l V2) / (2 g d)
d. hf = (16 f l V2) / (2 g d)
ANSWER: hf = (4 f l V2) / (2 g d)
23) Minor losses conduct house due to
a. abrupt enlargement inward pipe
b. abrupt contraction inward pipe
c. bends inward pipe
d. all of the above
ANSWER: all of the above
24) Minor losses hit non brand whatever serious resultant in
a. curt pipes
b. long pipes
c. both the curt likewise every bit long pipes
d. cannot say
ANSWER: long pipes
25) What is the right formula for loss at the run out of a pipe?
a. hL = 0.5 (V2 / 2g)
b. hL = (V2 / 2g)
c. hL = (2 V2 / g)
d. hL = (4 V2 / g)
ANSWER: hL = (V2 / 2g)

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