Student-Run Question Symposium Draws Big Crowd

By Kritin Karkare

Undergraduate pupil Lucas Patel presents his
 research. Photos courtesy of Lab Expo. 

The UC San Diego Biomedical Engineering Society hosted its 7th annual Lab Expo inward January, drawing upwards of 800 attendees together with featuring inquiry from to a greater extent than than lx labs from a multifariousness of disciplines across campus, including anthropology, electrical together with calculator engineering, bioengineering together with more.

Lab Expo chairs together with bioengineering students Daibo Zhang together with Jessica Ma spent 8 months planning the all-day student-run inquiry symposium meant to prepare scientific literacy, promote interdisciplinary collaboration together with encourage scientific advocacy.

Keynote speaker Grant Sanderson.
Keynote speaker Grant Sanderson, a math educational Youtuber amongst 1.6 1 G m subscribers, drew a large crowd spell talking most his approach to communicating math to a greater extent than clearly. Sanderson, amend known yesteryear his Youtube channel’s name, 3Blue1Brown, developed his ain mathematics visualization programming library to assist viewers instruct a to a greater extent than intuitive grasp on abstract math concepts similar neural networks together with the Fourier Transform. He thinks that his visualization-first approach has merit.

“By focusing on clarity of communication, it makes y'all recollect to a greater extent than clearly most what it is you’re doing,” Sanderson said. “Whatever slice it powerfulness be, if y'all recollect most how y'all acquaint this to an audience, it volition shape your ain agreement of the context, rather than letting communication locomote an afterthought.”
H5N1 inquiry poster presentation together with the keynote speech communication were simply the tip of the iceberg. What amend agency to practise communicating scientific discipline than to select graduate students pitch their inquiry inward exclusively 5 minutes?

The 2nd annual Lab Expo Graduate Showdown (LEGS) featured 7 students from dissimilar departments including cognitive scientific discipline together with mechanical together with aerospace engineering, competing to best condense together with communicate their inquiry projects.

Lab Expo chairs together with bioengineering students
Jessica Ma together with Daibo Zhang.
Only 1 could come upwards out on top: judges picked Andrew Shibata, a root twelvemonth cognitive scientific discipline graduate student, equally the winner. Based on his experiences listening to the myriad accents together with voices inward California, Shibata’s inquiry aims to prepare a database of voices characterizing the San Diego region, together with written report how people’s voices modify the longer they alive inward San Diego.

Next up, the Biomedical Engineering Society is hosting their annual Translational Medicine Day on March 6. This effect aims to select together the inquiry together with healthcare communities-- including students, faculty together with industry-- to dyad the gap betwixt bench together with bedside. More information tin locomote industrial plant life here:


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