Heriot-Watt Academy Inwards Arwu Altitude 500

Heriot-Watt University was ranked amid the pinnacle 500 universities inwards the basis according to the 2017 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). It is i of solely 38 U.K. universities ranked inwards the global pinnacle 500.

In addition, ARWU convey published their Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2017 in addition to Heriot-Watt was listed for ix of its subjects. It was placed inwards the pinnacle 75 worldwide for Telecommunication Engineering in addition to inwards the pinnacle 150 for Civil Engineering.

Heriot-Watt University was too ranked inwards the pinnacle 200 for Mathematics in addition to Finance, pinnacle 300 for Electrical & Electronic Engineering in addition to Mechanical Engineering, in addition to inwards the pinnacle 500 for Physics, Chemistry, in addition to Environmental Science & Engineering.

The ARWU results educate on the dorsum of Heriot-Watt's potent performances inwards other international ranking inwards 2017. It was ranked 312th inwards the world, 40th inwards U.K. in addition to seventh inwards Scotland according to QS World's University Rankings 2017/18. The University was too ranked 15th inwards the U.K. for its proportion of international students in addition to 21st inwards the U.K. international faculty.
Sumber https://whichuniversitybest.blogspot.com/

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