Uk Academy Rankings 2018

According to the Complete University Guide 2018, Cambridge was ranked 1st inward the UK, followed past times the University of Oxford inward 2nd house together with St Andrews inward tertiary place.

University College London (UCL) has risen iii places (from tenth to 7th) inward The Complete University Guide’s top dog league tabular array for 2018. And, inward the subject-specific tables UCL is inward the elevation 10 inward 31 of the 37 subjects that it teaches.

The University of Leeds has climbed 2 places together with retains its position inward the elevation xx (ranked 14th) inward the 2018 Complete University Guide. In addition, Leeds featured inward the elevation 10 universities across 22 dissimilar subjects.

The University of Dundee has every 2nd good risen vi places inward the Complete University Guide league tabular array together with right away sits 29th inward the U.K. inward the 2018 rankings. And, Dundee features inward the UK’s Top Ten for vi of the subjects it teaches inward this year’s guide.

Swansea University remains a elevation Welsh establishment afterward climbing 1 house to 44th inward the U.K. together with is 1 of exclusively iii universities inward Wales improving on final year’s position.

The University of West London (UWL) has achieved the biggest ascent of whatever U.K. higher didactics establishment inward The Complete University Guide 2018, climbing 26 places to 80th position this year.

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