University Of Minnesota Morris - Rankings

University of Minnesota Morris (UMM) is a fully accredited undergraduate establishment located inwards westward key Minnesota. UMM’s curriculum together with faculty are organized into the next divisions: Education, Humanities, Science together with Mathematics, together with Social Sciences.

The University of Minnesota, Morris is a founding fellow member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC), an alliance of populace liberal arts colleges together with universities.


- University of Minnesota Morris was ranked 6th inwards the Top Public Schools inwards the National Liberal Arts Colleges category together with made the Top 100 listing of Best Colleges: Most Students Studying Abroad inwards U.S. of A. of America News (2011).

- The University of Minnesota, Morris was named to the 2010 Fiske Guide to Colleges, a resources mass that profiles 330 of the “best together with close interesting colleges together with universities inwards the U.S. of A. of America together with Canada.

- It was identified equally a Top 10 Best Value Public University for an outstanding academic record, automatic academic scholarships for first-year students, i of the smallest federal debt loads inwards the Midwest, charging the same depression charge per unit of measurement to in-state together with out-of-state students, xc per centum of students receiving fiscal aid, together with existence a national leader inwards sustainability initiatives together with inquiry ("Parents together with Colleges" 2010).

- Listed alongside the summit 100 colleges nationally equally a best value inwards the 2009 Kiplinger Best Values inwards Public Colleges survey. According to the survey, on average, the annual toll for tuition, fees together with room together with board for an out-of-state, or in-state, educatee to attend the Morris campus, later on aid, is $11,731. Eighty per centum of those students who apply to the Morris campus are admitted together with 82 per centum have roughly flat of fiscal aid.

- The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Campus Environment 2008: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 National Report Card on Sustainability inwards Higher Education survey ranks UMM equally “exemplary” or “committed” inwards multiple categories.

- The University of Minnesota, Morris is i of 163 colleges named a Best Midwestern College yesteryear The Princeton Review inwards its 2007 Best 361 Colleges rankings. Other Minnesota schools included named to “Best inwards the Midwest” listing are: Augsburg, Carleton, College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University, Crown College, Gustavus Adolphus, Macalester, Minneapolis College of Art together with Design, North Central University, St. Mary’s University, St. Olaf, St. Scholastica, St. Catherine, University of Minnesota (Morris together with Twin Cities campuses) together with Winona State University.

- The University of Minnesota, Morris has been ranked 3rd nationally alongside all populace liberal arts colleges inwards the get-go annual Washington Monthly College Guide.The Guide ranks colleges based on a unlike laid upward of criteria than other well-known rankings. Schools were measured inwards iii unlike areas: Community Service, Research together with Social Mobility.

* Next: Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Rankings

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