Top Ranked Universities Inwards The Uk 2017

Ranking of summit Britain universities for 2017:

Complete University Guide:
The University of Cambridge was ranked No. one inward the UK, according to the Complete University Guide 2017, followed past times Oxford inward 2d house in addition to London School of Economics inward tertiary place.

Guardian University Guide:
Cambridge was ranked 1st inward the Britain past times Guardian League Table 2017, ahead of Oxford (2nd), St Andrews (3rd) in addition to Loughborough (4th). Loughborough University's quaternary house ranking marks the University’s highest e'er league tabular array lay in addition to makes it the summit ranked academy inward England afterward Cambridge in addition to Oxford.

Times in addition to Lord's Day Times Good University Guide:
According to the Times in addition to Lord's Day Times Good University Guide 2017, St Andrews was ranked No. one inward Scotland (3rd inward the UK), ahead of Dundee (2nd inward Scotland in addition to 28th inward the UK). In addition, the University of Dundee has been named Scottish University of the Year inward The Times in addition to Lord's Day Times Good University Guide for a minute consecutive year.

Top five universities inward Britain past times Complete University Guide 2017:
one Cambridge two Oxford three London School of Economics iv Imperial College London five St Andrews

The Guardian League Table summit x is:
1. Cambridge 2. Oxford 3. St Andrews 4= Loughborough 4= Surrey 6. Durham 7. Imperial College 8. Lancaster 9. Warwick 10. Bath

Related Articles:

Guardian League Table 2017

Complete University Guide 2017

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