Largest Universities Inwards Oklahoma

The largest Oklahoma universities include University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma, Northeastern State University in addition to Cameron University.

The University of Oklahoma is a coeducational populace query academy amongst master copy campus located inward Norman, Oklahoma. The School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma is the largest programme inward the nation. It is ranked No. 1 inward the acre inward mesoscale in addition to severe tempest query in addition to is amid the peak 7 of the close 100 institutions that grant degrees inward atmospheric science.

The University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) is the state's 3rd largest university, behind the University of Oklahoma in addition to Oklahoma State University. UCO has the largest undergraduate Computing Science programme inward the state, which is accredited past times ABET.

Northeastern State University (NSU) is Oklahoma's fourth-largest populace four-year establishment in addition to ane of half-dozen regional institutions governed past times the Regional University System of Oklahoma board. NSU boasts the exclusively College of Optometry inward the state, in addition to the largest enrollment of Native American students of whatever populace establishment of higher didactics past times both per centum in addition to amount.

Cameron University (CU) is the largest four-year higher didactics establishment inward Southwest Oklahoma in addition to located inward Lawton. The University experienced historic enrollment increment inward 2009-10, serving to a greater extent than than 6,000 students, in addition to recording the university's largest full-time equivalent enrollment ever. CU's enrollment rose past times xiii percent inward Fall 2009, the largest of whatever Oklahoma college.

* Next: Largest Universities inward Florida

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