Best Regional Universities (Midwest) 2017

Creighton University is ranked No. i amid the Best Regional Universities inwards the Midwest yesteryear the U.S. of A. News & World Report 2017 rankings, followed yesteryear Butler University inwards sec house too Drake University inwards tertiary place.

Valparaiso University is the No. four Best Regional University, amid to a greater extent than than 140 universities inwards the category, too is ranked No. i inwards the Midwest for both Best Value too Best Undergraduate Teaching yesteryear the U.S. of A. News & World Report magazine.

John Carroll University is ranked seventh inwards the Midwest inwards the latest the U.S. of A. News & World Report “Best Colleges” guide. In addition, JCU ranked sec for a “Strong Commitment to Undergraduate Teaching,” too seventh amid schools recognized inwards the “Best Colleges for Veterans” category. Also, the University’s John M. too Mary Jo Boler School of Business made the listing of best “Undergraduate Business Programs.”

Drury University is ranked No. eleven inwards the Midwest on the the U.S. of A. News “Best Regional Universities” list. Drury earned outstanding marks for its mightiness to deliver personalized attending to students, cheers to a high per centum of classes alongside twenty or fewer students (70 percent) too a student-to-faculty ratio of 10 to 1.

University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) is ranked 46th overall amid all regional universities too 11th amid world regional universities. Further, UNK for the get-go fourth dimension inwards recent years made a Top Five listing for Least Debt, too was too included on the Best Colleges for Veterans (Regional) list.

* Next: Best Regional Universities inwards the North 2017

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