Jacobs Schoolhouse Query Inward The News: Scientific Discipline Highlights From 2017

A novel recipe for Martian bricks. Soft robots that walk on fossil oil terrain. Combining squid ink as well as ultrasound to brand a pain-free mucilage illness probe. These are amid the scientific discipline stories from the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering that made headlines inward 2017. Here is a roundup of the year's superlative scientific discipline word hits:

New Blood Test Could Help Detect as well as Locate Cancer Early On
Bioengineers at UC San Diego conduct maintain developed a novel blood evidence that could uncovering cancer—and locate where inward the trunk the tumor is growing. By screening for detail deoxyribonucleic acid signatures from both cancer cells as well as normal cells inward the body, researchers discovered a novel clue that indicates non only the presence or absence of a tumor, but every bit good where it resides. The proof-of-concept written report could supply a means to diagnose cancer early without having to create invasive surgical procedures similar biopsies. 

Featured inward Newsweek, CW6 San Diego, NBC Bay Area and Yahoo! News

New Nano-Implant Could One Day Help Restore Sight
A squad of engineers at UC San Diego as well as La Jolla-based startup Nanovision Biosciences Inc. conduct maintain developed the nanotechnology as well as wireless electronics for a novel type of retinal prosthesis that brings query a pace closer to restoring the powerfulness of neurons inward the retina to respond to light. The researchers demonstrated this response to lite inward a rat retina interfacing alongside a epitome of the device in vitro

Featured inward The San Diego Union Tribune, NBC News and Yahoo! News

Engineers Investigate a Simple, No-Bake Recipe to Make Bricks From Martian Soil
Explorers planning to settle on Mars mightiness locomote able to plow the planet’s ruby-red soil into bricks without needing to purpose an oven or additional ingredients. Instead, they would only necessitate to apply line per unit of measurement area to compact the soil—the equivalent of a blow from a hammer. While proposals to purpose Martian soil to construct habitats for manned missions on the planet are non new, this is the starting fourth dimension that shows astronauts would necessitate minimal resources to create so.

Featured inward The New York Times, The San Diego Union Tribune, BBC Inside Science and Physics World

3D-Printed Soft Four Legged Robot Can Walk on Sand as well as Stone
Engineers at UC San Diego conduct maintain developed the starting fourth dimension soft robot that is capable of walking on fossil oil surfaces, such every bit sand as well as pebbles. The 3D-printed, four-legged robot tin climb over obstacles as well as walk on dissimilar terrains. The robot could locomote used to capture sensor readings inward unsafe environments or for search as well as rescue.

Featured inward The New York Times and CNET

Low-Cost Smart Glove Converts Signs of American Manual Alphabet to Text
A novel smart glove wirelessly converts signs of the American Manual Alphabet into text as well as controls a virtual mitt to mimic sign linguistic communication gestures. The device, which engineers telephone telephone “The Language of Glove,” was built for less than $100 using stretchable as well as printable electronics that are inexpensive, commercially available as well as tardily to assemble. While the glove is capable of gesture recognition, researchers at UC San Diego are developing the glove to locomote used inward a diversity of other applications ranging from virtual as well as augmented reality to telesurgery, technical preparation as well as defense.

Featured inward 10News - ABC San Diego, Popular MechanicsKPBSIEEE Spectrum and New Scientist

Drug-Delivering Micromotors Treat Their First Bacterial Infection inward the Stomach
Nanoengineers at UC San Diego conduct maintain demonstrated for the starting fourth dimension time using micromotors to process a bacterial infection inward the stomach. These tiny vehicles, each nigh one-half the width of a human hair, swim speedily throughout the tum spell neutralizing gastric acid as well as and hence issue their cargo of antibiotics at the desired pH. This micromotor-enabled delivery approach is a promising novel method for treating tum as well as alimentary canal diseases alongside acid-sensitive drugs, researchers said.

Featured in The San Diego Union TribuneIFLScience!New York PostThe ScientistNew Scientist and Engadget

New Dental Imaging Method Uses Squid Ink to Fish for Gum Disease
Squid ink mightiness locomote a slap-up constituent to brand dark pasta, but it could every bit good ane 24-hour interval brand getting checked for mucilage illness at the dentist less boring as well as fifty-fifty painless. By combining squid ink alongside lite as well as ultrasound, researchers conduct maintain developed a novel dental imaging method to examine a patient’s gums that is non-invasive, to a greater extent than comprehensive as well as to a greater extent than accurate than the country of the art.

Featured inward BBC World Service - Health Check, STAT News, Engadget and NY Daily News

This Soft Robotic Gripper Can Screw inward Your Light Bulbs For You
How many robots does it accept to screw inward a lite bulb? The answer: only one, assuming you’re talking nigh a novel robotic gripper developed past times engineers at UC San Diego. The engineering squad has designed as well as built a gripper that tin choice upwards as well as manipulate objects without needing to encounter them or locomote trained.  The gripper non entirely tin twist as well as sense objects, it tin every bit good construct models of the objects it’s manipulating. This allows the gripper to run inward depression lite as well as depression visibility conditions, for example.

Featured inward Reuters

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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