Physics & Astronomy Ranking 2016

Cambridge was ranked 1st inward the U.K. for Physics & Astronomy, followed yesteryear Oxford inward 2d house as well as Imperial College London inward tertiary place, according to the Complete University Guide 2016.

The University of Exeter was ranked ninth inward the U.K. for Physics & Astronomy inward The Complete University Guide 2016. Moreover, Exeter has been ranked 2d inward the Russell Group for graduate progression, amongst 89% of Physics graduates entering into professional person occupations or graduate-level farther written report vi months later on graduating.

The University of Southampton was ranked inward the summit twenty universities for Physics as well as Astronomy inward the U.K. yesteryear The Guardian University Guide 2016, The Times Good University Guide as well as The Complete University Guide 2016 (at 19th).

The University of Sussex was ranked 24th nationally for Physics & Astronomy inward The Complete University Guide 2016. Moreover, Sussex Physics as well as Astronomy received an overall satisfaction marking of 91% inward the latest National Student Survey (NSS 2015) as well as was ranked ninth inward the U.K. (Guardian University Guide 2016).

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