Pharmacology & Chemist's Shop Ranking 2016

The University of Cambridge was ranked 1st for Pharmacology & Pharmacy, according to the Complete University Guide 2016. Moreover, inwards the University Subject Tables 2016 (Pharmacology together with Pharmacy) yesteryear The Times together with The Lord's Day Times Good University Guide 2016, the University of Cambridge has taken the 1st house (an overall marking of 100%), amongst instruction character ranked 86.0%, pupil sense – 86.3% together with graduate prospects – 87.4%.

The University of East Anglia was ranked seventh for Pharmacology & Pharmacy yesteryear the Complete University Guide 2016. It was too rated every mo the No. 1 School of Pharmacy inwards U.K. for pupil satisfaction (National Student Survey 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 together with 2009).

Aston University is i of Europe's leading Pharmacy Schools amongst over 100 years of history. Aston Pharmacy School was ranked eighth yesteryear the Complete University Guide 2016 together with third for pupil satisfaction inwards England yesteryear the Complete University Guide 2015. It too achieved 96% overall satisfaction inwards the 2015 NSS.

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