Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:First Women From Osaka Academy Excel Inwards Technology Scientific Discipline Commercialization Program


The von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center in addition to Global Connect worked amongst Osaka University inwards 2014 to blueprint a computer programme for students in addition to faculty from universities inwards Osaka, Nihon to larn near engineering acceleration in addition to transfer.  Through a combination of lectures, invitee speakers, site visits in addition to practical experience, the Osaka teams larn the basic steps involved to commercialize scientific discoveries in addition to engineering ideas.  On Feb 1st through Feb 12th, the 3rd cohort of students participated inwards this two-week workshop at UC San Diego.  Since women are an underrepresented grouping inwards the fields of scientific discipline in addition to engineering both inwards the U.S in addition to inwards Japan, it was a pleasant surprise when the 3rd cohort included 3 women.  

Jonathan Masters, the atomic number 82 instructor, said, “My favorite component of the computer programme is seeing the groups coalesce closed to a vision in addition to agreement of their project.” Masters believes this grouping of students provided a meliorate residue for the computer programme amongst the improver of woman mortal students, partly because they were to a greater extent than prepared to start with.  Program participants come upward prepared amongst their specialized engineering excogitation in addition to they piece of occupation inwards teams to start the procedure of commercializing their novel ideas.  

Although women inwards Nihon lead keep reached a largely equal basis amongst men inwards price of legal rights, at that spot remains a strong unspoken discrimination towards women inwards the workplace ( Women-in-Business-in-Japan.html).  At the rattling top of corporate Japan, the “bamboo ceiling”—so-called past times women for beingness thick, difficult in addition to non fifty-fifty transparent —is starting to allow inwards some chinks of light, merely they are few in addition to far betwixt (The Economist, Mar 29th 2014).  Against these odds, the 3 women from Osaka, Nihon who participated inwards the CLIC-Edge Program are worthy of note. 

Sunri Lee is a graduate pupil in addition to scientist at Osaka University inwards the plain of electronic devices amongst organic materials.  She developed $800 midpoint spectacles made of flexible liquid crystal lens to right vision in addition to railroad train the cerebral nerves of Amblyopic children.  Ke Zheng is an accountant, currently working on a medical tourism platform for unusual patients from mainland People's Republic of China in addition to other countries who desire to go to Nihon for high lineament medical treatment.  Rieko Ogura, a PhD researcher at Yokahama National University, is currently working inwards the plain of genetic applied scientific discipline of plants in addition to flora pathology. In 2014, Ogura founded a start-up company specialized in developing a screening scheme to position flora activators for sale to chemic in addition to agrochemical companies.  Click hither for to a greater extent than details on the projects that these 3 pioneering women brought to UC San Diego.

Sunri Lee is working on her Ph.D. inwards the Department of Chemistry at Osaka University.  She brought a epitome of the midpoint spectacles that are designed specifically for children amongst Amblyopia, an midpoint affliction that causes their vision to modify frequently.  These inventive spectacles are flexible, in addition to so they menage unit of measurement does non lead keep to purchase a novel distich of spectacles every bit often every bit before.  The substantial savings to the menage unit of measurement budget is 1 of the major benefits of the flexible liquid crystal lens.  Another produce goodness is that the lens helps to railroad train the cerebral nerves of Amblyopic children.  The squad is likewise considering adapting the midpoint spectacles for adults amongst vision problems.  
While participating inwards the Innovation Program at the von Liebig Center, Lee enjoyed the session on client discovery, where she goodness conducting client interviews.   This role playing exercise is designed to become far easier to speak to customers when the squad returns to Japan.  Lee feels that the exercise gave her the skills in addition to confidence needed to bear face-to-face marketplace position research.  This volition aid her squad to assemble the information needed to determine whether to sell the spectacles for children, adults, or both.  
As a Chinese pupil studying inwards Japan, Ke Zheng believes at that spot is a marketplace position for her online concern from prior experiences amongst family/friends who wishing to go to Nihon for medical treatments.  Zheng in addition to her squad are making a wellness in addition to medical tourism platform to aid people who cannot have excellent healthcare inwards their abode country, merely promise to have lineament tending inwards Japan. The destination is to improve physical well-being in addition to lineament of life. Zheng said, “Our healthcare service covers some precise in addition to detailed examinations, physical examinations, beauty treatments, boundary therapy in addition to and so on. We are providing a one-stop service through our website in addition to a handling packet medical tour to Japan. By using our service, every consumer could acquire a fantastic experience to improve their wellness in addition to bask their overseas trips at the same fourth dimension without whatever worries.” 
About her see to the von Liebig Center, Zheng said, “I intend the whole computer programme is perfect. It non entirely offered us the entrepreneurial instruction merely likewise [other] connections in addition to experiences during the ii weeks. It enabled us to communicate a lot amongst others, which is [a] pretty valuable, exciting challenge. In the educational seem [of the program], the courses include many dissimilar topics in addition to related workshops. We gained a lot from these classes.”  The computer programme made Zheng realize the importance of knowing the customers well, which decides the fate of a startup/ novel business. She said, “We learned some advanced cognition on how to produce marketplace position research, how to interview potential customers, how to detect the customers’ existent needs, what are the challenges they face, in addition to who our target customers are. What impresses me most is realizing when [the] customer volition brand a buying conclusion in addition to what volition influence them on that decision. We don't lead keep plenty resources to railroad train a perfect production amongst all of the functions inwards the early on phase in addition to so setting the right priorities is becoming rattling important.”
Since at that spot are many challenges inwards starting a novel concern within in addition to outside, Zheng plans to remain flexible plenty to handgrip whatever problems, because y'all never know what volition lead house tomorrow. Therefore, it is of import to exceed along calm in addition to remain motivated. After the program, Zheng in addition to her squad realized that the before they tin give the sack foresee problems, the to a greater extent than initiatives they tin give the sack take.
Rieko Ogura, PhD, post-doc researcher at Yokahama National University, is creating flora activators inwards gild to elicit flora immunity in addition to foster environmentally friendly agriculture.  Her society provides a screening scheme that reports results to Chemical or Agrochemical Companies on whether the substances tin give the sack stimulate flora immunity.  
At UC San Diego, she learned that the most of import affair is providing services from the customer’s viewpoint. Now she has started to see potential customers to ascertain their needs in addition to aid them arrange to her company’s technology.  Ogura said, “It volition brand us expand our customers non entirely to Chemical in addition to Agrochemical Companies, merely likewise to other manufacturing [fields] such every bit medicine or food.”  
Since Ogura’s society has been inwards existence for the past times 2 years, nosotros asked her for her persuasion on how concern differs betwixt U.S. in addition to Japan.  She said, “In the US, each employee has authority, so decisions are made quickly. In Japan, nosotros demand a lot of approving inwards the organization [before] deciding on 1 thing.”  


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