Best Part-Time Mba Programs 2016

Haas School of Business at the University of California Berkeley was ranked No. 1 amid the best part-time MBA programs inward the nation, according to the 2016 U.S. of A. News Part-time MBA (Master of Business Administration) ranking, which is based on 5 factors:
- Average peer assessment marking (50 percent of the overall score).
- Average GMAT marking in addition to GRE scores of part-time MBA students entering inward the autumn of 2014 (15 percent).
- Average undergraduate GPA (5 percent).
- Work sense (15 percent).
- The per centum of the autumn 2014 MBA enrollment that is part-time (15 percent).

The Fox School of Business’ Part-Time MBA programme earned the highest ranking it has e'er attained, reaching No. twenty inward U.S. of A. News 2016 rankings. The Fox School Part-Time MBA improved 33 places, from No. 53 inward final year’s report. It is equally good the highest-ranked part-time MBA inward the Greater Philadelphia region.

The Part-time (Flex) MBA Program at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business at William & Mary made 1 of the ranking’s biggest leaps this yr coming inward at 35th inward the nation, upward 22 spots from final year’s ranking.

John C. NavinThe Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) School of Business part-time MBA improved 31 slots inward the rankings to No. 153 from a yr ago. SIUE tied amongst 7 other institutions at 153: Iowa State University, New United Mexican States State University, Providence College, University of Nevada-Reno, New Hampshire University, University of Tulsa in addition to University of Washington-Tacoma.

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