Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Elsie Varela

Meet our side past times side educatee Elsie, who refers to herself equally a "social-justice oriented, tree-hugging, feminist engineer."

Name: Elsie Varela
Major: Environmental Engineering
Estimated graduation date: June 2017

Why did you lot conduct applied scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I chose applied scientific discipline at UC San Diego because I had been familiar amongst its applied scientific discipline focus -  how it offered diverse opportunities for engineers, including enquiry as well as internships. It was besides i of the few schools that had Environmental Engineering, thus I knew it would hold upwardly a adept alternative for me.

What are your career goals?
I don't know just how, but I desire my function to connect environmental applied scientific discipline to world wellness as well as to conduct lite to the sentiment that the poorest people are disproportionately affected past times environmental issues. I besides desire to centre my career on ending disparities of minorities inwards applied scientific discipline as well as higher pedagogy inwards general, peculiarly women, as well as women of color.

Do you lot conduct a favorite quote or mantra?
One of my favorites is, "If I tin laissez passer notice ease i life the aching or cool i pain...I shall non alive inwards vain."

What are around things that are unique well-nigh you?
1. I am a social-justice oriented, tree-hugging, feminist engineer.
2. xx as well as can't drive.
3. I interned at a police pull theatre when I was 15.

What does this crusade hateful to you?
I’d ever heard the negative statistics well-nigh minorities inwards higher pedagogy as well as women inwards engineering, but I didn't fully empathise until I got to college. Feeling out of house inwards applied scientific discipline orientation equally a woman, as well as and then fifty-fifty to a greater extent than thus equally a Latina, laid upwardly the musical note for how I continuously experience equally an applied scientific discipline major at UC San Diego. It is a constant internal battle to hold upwardly a double minority - feeling similar I don’t belong, feeling similar I’m non smart enough, feeling unheard as well as afraid to enquire questions for the fearfulness of proving correct the negative stereotypes well-nigh both my race as well as my gender. This crusade agency that my experiences as well as those of other minorities are existence recognized as well as valued. It agency that I am non the alone i that feels this way as well as it gives me a greater sense of belonging on this campus.


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