Uk Constabulary Schoolhouse Ranking 2015

The University of Cambridge Faculty of Law was ranked No. 1 inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015 league tabular array for Law, followed past times Oxford inwards s place.

The School of Law at Queen Mary University of London was ranked third inwards the Britain as well as 1st inwards London inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015 plain of report league tables. The School's impressive overall score of 92.2 / 100 reflects the excellence of the School, the high score of pupil satisfaction at 95 per cent, the character as well as satisfaction alongside teaching, as well as the splendid exercise prospects of our graduates.

The University of York has been consistently regarded every moment i of the UK’s elevation constabulary schools. It was ranked eighth inwards the Guardian’s 2015 league table. York offers 3 distinct LLMs, on corporations, inwards human rights as well as inwards clinical education.

Kent Law School was ranked 14th inwards the Guardian University Guide. Within the ranking, Kent Law School was rated 13th nationally for the career prospects of graduates, as well as third nationally for the ratio of staff to students.

The University of Surrey has retained its set inwards the Guardian’s elevation twenty for law, ascent to 17th set inwards the 2015 guide.

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