Complete Academy Direct 2016

Cambridge was ranked 1st out of 126 universities inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland inwards The Complete University Guide league tabular array for 2016, followed past times Oxford inwards s place.

The University of Surrey moved upward from twelfth to eighth inwards the league table. It was ranked inwards the tiptop 5 nationally for the next subjects: Food Science (1st), Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism (2nd), Nursing (2nd), Drama, Dance & Cinematics (3rd), Materials Technology (3rd), together with Sociology (5th).

Lancaster University has risen two places to live on ranked ninth nationally out of 126 United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland universities together with is the leading academy inwards the North West according to the Complete University Guide for 2016. The University is ranked highly for graduate prospects amongst 78% of students going on to graduate marking utilization or farther study. Expenditure on pupil facilities such every bit sports, careers services, wellness together with counselling was besides ranked highly at Lancaster.

Heriot-Watt University was ranked quaternary inwards Scotland (after St Andrews, Edinburgh together with Glasgow) together with 37th inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland inwards the 2016 Complete University Guide. It was besides ranked inwards the tiptop 10 inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland inwards 5 dependent champaign areas: Building (6th together with 1st inwards Scotland), Chemical Engineering (5th), Civil Engineering (9th), Electrical & Electronic Engineering (9th), Town & Country Planning (5th together with 1st inwards Scotland).


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