Immaculata Academy Profile

Immaculata University is a private, Catholic, comprehensive, coeducational academy offering associate, bachelor's, master's too doctoral degrees. The University offers courses online, web-enhanced courses too courses inwards a traditional classroom setting.

Immaculata University is granted accreditation yesteryear the Commission of Higher Education Middle States Association of Colleges too Schools. The Didactic Program inwards Dietetics is granted accreditation condition yesteryear the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education of The American Dietetic Association. The Doctor of Psychology inwards Clinical Psychology is accredited yesteryear the American Psychological Association Committee on Accreditation. The Bachelor of Science inwards Nursing is accredited yesteryear the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

The Bachelor of Arts inwards Music, Bachelor of Arts inwards Music Education, Bachelor of Arts inwards Music Therapy, Bachelor of Arts inwards Music Education too Music Therapy too the Master of Arts inwards Music Therapy are accredited yesteryear the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).

Immaculata University is ranked 194th amid the National Universities yesteryear USA News & World Report 2012.

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