Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Entrepreneurism & Leadership Programs Spotlight: Jennifer Kaehms, Bioengineering '14

Only months later her graduation from UC San Diego, Jennifer Kaehms – Bioengineering ’14 – co-founded BioLoop, Inc., a startup focused on sustainable production of custom textiles.

While studying at UC San Diego, Kaehms was a tri-athlete as well as a resident advisor for Eleanor Roosevelt College. In autumn 2014, Kaehms founded as well as led Gecko Project every bit a player inwards the von Liebig NSF I-Corps Program. Though Gecko Projects as well as BioLoop, Inc. are real dissimilar on the surface, Kaehms explains that both are striving to brand the footing a healthier place.

BioLoop, Inc. addresses the affect of textiles on our surroundings amongst a sustainable model that tin cut back waste materials as well as ameliorate the allotment as well as purpose of resources. The production of cotton wool lone currently uses 67 trillion gallons of H2O annually, patch besides requiring the purpose of pesticides. Kaehms points out that a 300-acre flora tin production the same amount of cotton wool equivalent–synthetic textile every bit a 600,000-acre cotton wool farm. After she graduated, Kaehms met her co-founder, Alex Necklemann, at a Berkeley BioLabs encounter up.

“Alex had been working on growing cellulose to reckon if he could grow his ain clothes,” Kaehms said. “I establish the projection to last inspiring as well as wondered if y'all could modification cellulose to incorporate dissimilar properties. Later, Alex asked me if I wanted to co-found a company, [and] I said yes.”
Now, Kaehms is hard at operate amongst BioLoop, Inc. at the Indie.Bio Incubator inwards San Francisco. The companionship is looking to expand past times this summer, as well as hopes to hire a lab technician as well as a biochemical engineer.
“I pass somewhere betwixt lx to xc hours a calendar week on the company,” Kaehms said. “The most hard facet close beingness inwards the accelerator is besides the most useful: the sentiment that y'all volition run out of time. We are using our difficulties every bit opportunities as well as the lack of fourth dimension to rapidly motion frontward amongst the blueprint process.”
Kaehms connected amongst the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center’s I-Corps programme later a recommendation from Professor Schmid Schonbein to apply amongst her senior blueprint project. Kaehms said that the program’s emphasis on hands-on sense was a bang-up agency acquire the thin startup methodology as well as she enjoyed the back upward she received from her mentors inwards I-Corps.
“If y'all are starting your begin company, it is going to last hard work. There is no hack to begin a companionship cheaply as well as easily (if y'all invent this, hats off to y'all because y'all volition brand a proficient VC),” Kaehms said. “My advice: surround yourself amongst people that inspire as well as mentor you.”

For to a greater extent than data on BioLoop, Inc.'s twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours proceedings at Indie.Bio, follow them on Twitter at @jennykaehms or @bioloopinc and @indbio.

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