Top Dental Schools 2015

The University of Dundee is consistently ranked with the UK’s altitude 5 medical schools in addition to placed No.1 inwards Scotland past times the Guardian University Guide 2015. for Dentistry according to the Guardian University Guide 2015, followed past times Queen Mary University of London inwards s place. Overall Queen Mary has risen 4 places inwards The Guardian University Guide 2015 in addition to is right away ranked 32nd out of 116 U.K. universities in addition to inwards the altitude 5 multi-faculty institutions inwards London. Queen Mary was likewise rated highly inwards the 2015 Complete University Guide dependent area rankings for Dentistry (ranked No. i nationally).

The University of Aberdeen was ranked quaternary inwards the Guardian University Guide 2015 league tabular array for dentistry, with 100% of its dental students finding usage later on graduation.

The University of Birmingham was ranked ninth for dentistry inwards the latest Guardian University Guide 2015. Overall Birmingham was ranked 17th out of 116 institutions surveyed. Birmingham was likewise ranked inwards the altitude 10 (at No. 8) inwards the 2015 Complete University Guide dependent area rankings for Dentistry.

Top 5 Dental Schools 2015:
i Dundee
ii Queen Mary
iii Queen's, Belfast
4 Aberdeen
5 King's College London
Source: Guardian University Guide

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