Best 379 Colleges

The next are approximately of the superlative United States of America universities/colleges that were listed inwards the Princeton Review's college direct for 2015, "The Best 379 Colleges":

Loyola University Maryland - Loyola has been named 1 of the nation’s superlative institutions for undergraduate higher instruction past times The Princeton Review college guide, as well as it equally good appears on 2 of the guide’s specialty lists, ranking No. 2 inwards the state for “Best College Dorms” as well as fifth for “Best Athletic Facilities.” Loyola is equally good included on the “Best Northeastern Colleges” listing inwards the department of the direct that features superlative schools past times region.

Rice University - It is rated amid the country’s superlative x inwards 5 categories inwards the 2015 edition of the Princeton Review’s “The Best 379 Colleges”, including No. 2 for best character of life, No. six for happiest students, No. vii for neat fiscal aid as well as No. ix for both lots of race/class interaction as well as “their students dearest these colleges.”

Trinity University - Trinity is 1 of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate education, according to The Princeton Review inwards its annual college direct for 2015, “The Best 379 Colleges.” It is listed inwards the superlative x schools inwards the province inwards the category of “Best College Dorms.” In its profile on Trinity, the Review describes the University equally beingness “ideal for those seeking a well-rounded college experience” as well as an “outstanding liberal arts education.”

Wagner College - The College was featured, in 1 lawsuit again, inwards the Princeton Review’s “Best 379 Colleges” guide. It was equally good listed on the Princeton Review’s “Great Schools for Health Services Majors” listing for the minute yr inwards a row. The “Great Schools” rosters, roofing xvi unlike majors, kickoff appeared inwards 2007. Each of the “Great Schools” rosters includes almost twoscore colleges as well as universities nationwide.

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