Master Of Legal Studies At Washington Academy Schoolhouse Of Law

Washington University School of Law

The online Master of Legal Studies (MLS) aeroplane is for United States of America Citizens
The online Master of Legal Studies (MLS) degree from Washington University School of Law offers an in-depth perspective of the United States of America legal arrangement in addition to develops practical science sets used yesteryear attorneys – debate, analytical thinking, legal writing, in addition to more. Designed for non-lawyers, the aeroplane provides students amongst the legal acumen needed to advance their careers inward a broad multifariousness of professions – from trouble concern to wellness care. Delivered alone online through @WashULaw, the computer program blends live, face-to-face classes amongst self-paced coursework that is designed in addition to taught yesteryear Washington University School of Law faculty. Graduates of the online Master of Legal Studies program receive the same aeroplane equally on-campus candidates, participate inward graduation, in addition to bring together the global Washington University School of Law alumni network.

Program Benefits:

  • Academically rigorous curriculum designed in addition to delivered yesteryear Washington University School of Law faculty.
  • Students must regard the same selective admissions standards equally students inward the on-campus program.
  • Live, online classes permit students to network amongst classmates approximately the globe inward an intimate, collaborative environment.
  • Students produce goodness from dedicated pupil back upwards from matriculation through graduation, including Washington University School of Law's global alumni network.
  • Real-world application of course of written report content through an optional one-week immersion inward St. Louis, MO where students discovery alive courtroom hearings, tour legal landmarks in addition to network in-person amongst peers professors.


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